GSCV Volunteer Form
Thank you for your interest in volunteering at Guiding Star Cedar Valley! We love our volunteers and we see each person as a hero in the pro-love, pro-life movement. If you are looking to serve in a big way (even little ways are BIG ways!) and assist us in making a huge impact in the community through empowering women, embracing children, and enriching families, you are in the right spot!  Please fill out the form below so we can best work together in enhancing your natural skills/areas of service. If you have questions, please email
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Today's date *
Your name *
Your email *
Your mailing address
Your phone number *
Please select the areas of service you have a natural skill/special interest in (you can select more than one). *
If you selected more than one area in the question above, please state if there is one you have a particular interest in.
How many hours/would you like to volunteer at Guiding Star Cedar Valley?
If you are interested in being a childwatch volunteer, please share experience you have had in caring for children.
If you are a college student, what is your major? Are you interested in internship opportunities with GSCV?
If you are a student, are you able to volunteer over the summer?
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Why do you want to volunteer with Guiding Star Cedar Valley?
Please review our philosophy statement. Our philosophy must be agreed upon before volunteering at Guiding Star Cedar Valley.
Do you agree with Guiding Star Cedar Valley's philosophy?
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Do you have questions or concerns about our philosophy?
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