Learn Your Rights! Event & Outreach Volunteers
Learn Your Rights is looking for youths aged (15-25) in the GTA to take part in a workers rights leadership program! 

This is a great opportunity if you are interested in learning about your rights as young workers, learning about unionizing, passionate about community outreach. You'll have the opportunity to do this, while gaining 10 hours worth of volunteering! 

As a volunteer, you  will undergo two workshops as part of the program (Unionizing 101 & Community Outreach planning) and do in-person outreach in your community!

Upon completion of the program, you will receive a certificate with the number of hours volunteered &  honorarium to purchase a transit pass.  

For more information & program dates visit:  learnyourrights.ca 
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Do you live in the GTA? 
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Why are you interested in participating in this program? 
What are you hoping to learn through this program? 
Are you available for the duration of the program? (February 8th, February 15th & February 18th)
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