Medicare Beneficiaries Survey

We want to hear from YOU!

PNHP is asking beneficiaries of Medicare to help us understand their experiences with Traditional Medicare and Medicare Advantage—and to identify the issues they have faced when accessing health care. Our goal is to protect and improve Medicare, and advocate for the best possible health care system.

PNHP surveys are confidential, and we will not sell or share your personal information. All data will be anonymized when used for any public-facing materials such as reports or data analyses.

Please contact with questions, concerns or ideas. 

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First Name  *
Last Name  *
Email *
Phone Number with your area code (please indicate if landline or cell phone)
State *
Zip Code  *

1. Do you know if you’re in Traditional Medicare or Medicare Advantage?

If you are in Medicare Advantage, answer the next questions. Otherwise, skip to question #5.

2. Why did you choose Medicare Advantage (choose all that apply)?

3. Have you been unable to see the doctors or use the hospitals you want, because your choices are restricted by your plan’s network?

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4. Have you had your care denied because your insurance company did not approve?
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5. How should we improve Traditional Medicare? (choose all that apply) *
6a. Do you have trouble paying for your health care? *
6b. If yes, please explain.
7. Are you aware of the fraud charges against multiple Medicare Advantage insurance corporations? *

Make PNHP Your Home

Physicians for a National Health Program is a single-issue organization advocating for a universal, comprehensive single-payer national health program.

PNHP members are physicians, health care workers, seniors, and others who believe in our mission and values, and pay membership dues annually to build our organization's power.

You have the ability to realize our vision by joining forces with thousands of physicians to fight for a single-payer national health program. Together, we CAN win!

Thank you for completing our Survey! 
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