Online Safety: Phishing and Scams
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What is NOT true on phishing?
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You are online and see a popup.  You click on the popup and it tells you that your computer is not functioning properly.  It will then provide a number so that you can contact tech support.  Which type of phishing is this?
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You receive an email which contains a QR code.  You do not know it at the time, but this code contains a malicious link which will lead you to a fake website.  What type of phishing is this?
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You receive an email directing you to a website that you requently go to.  Unknown to you, this website is not the real one.  You would have to really look at the site to see if it is the true one.  What type of phishing sends you to a website that resembles a real one but is actually a fake one?
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Looking at emails, there are red flags which suggest that phishing is occuring.  Which of the following might be a red flag?
1 point
You are on a dating site and have met someone you really like.   You spend time chatting online and find that you pretty much agree on everything!  You really want to meet them, but they are putting it off because they live out of town and can't get into town for a few months.  They really don't' like to video chat.  But they have asked you if you would give them your phone number so that they can call you.  You then begin to communicate via phone.  Are there any red flags so far?
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(no credit) Have you experienced any scams?  Or maybe a close friend or relative has experienced one.  Please tell us about them.  The more we know, the more informed we become!
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