Runs With A Barcode parkrun stories
Thank you for your interest in appearing on the Runs With A Barcode website. Please fill in this with as much detail as possible.

Please also send a high resolution pic (1mb ideally but the highest you have) of yourself at parkrun to

If I have any questions about your story, such as further information, I will be in touch as soon as possible. You will be contacted ahead of any publication.

Are you in the Runs With A Barcode Clubhouse facebook group? If yes, please share with your parkrun friends. If no, please go to
Conectează-te la Google ca să îți salvezi progresul. Află mai multe
Adresă de e-mail *
What is your name and athlete ID? *
Where do you live? Town/city required *
Where and when was your first parkrun? *
How did you find out about parkrun and what got you started? *
What do you enjoy about your regular parkrun? *
How has parkrun impacted your life? *
Do you have any parkrun-related goals? What are they? *
What has been a parkrun highlight to date? *
Do you volunteer? If yes, what's your preferred role and why? *
Is there anything else you would like to share?
Thank you!!
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