Metaverse Event AUGE 2ND_Registration 11/04

Do you want to contribute to making Europe a better place? If you are under 30, hope for a more equal and sustainable future and believe that digital innovation can be used as a tool for social inclusion, you are the person we are looking for!

Join the MEET Metaverse Event of AUGE 2ND on April 11 at 10:00 a.m. CET at MEET Digital Culture in presence or online on zoom!

During the event you will be able to interact with young artivists from Germany, Spain, Latvia and Poland in the metaverse. Participants will work in groups addressing different challenges related to digital and the metaverse dimension, from education to work, from identity to inclusion.

The in-person event will be at MEET Digital Culture Center in Viale Vittorio Veneto 2, Milan, in Porta Venezia

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