Becoming Better Grownups Parent Event
Please sign up for the parenting event below. We will accommodate as many requests as possible and confirm with you by email. 

Date/Time: March 4th from 6:00pm-7:00pm pm at South Junior High

Please join us for best-selling author Brad Montague as he talks to parents about Becoming Better Grownups. 
  • Before and after our guest speaker presentation, Rediscover Books with be selling Brad's books.
  • Childcare will be provided until capacity is reached. 
If you have any questions, please contact Sara Nord at Click here for more information about the author.
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Parent/Guardian Name: *
How many adults will be attending this event with you? 
Email Address: *
Phone Number: *
What school(s) do your child(ren) attend? *
How did you hear about this opportunity?
We will provide childcare during the event when parents/guardians do not have other options. Do you need childcare? 
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