TJIMUR Arts Festival “Action Theatre” Guidelines for Submission
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活動簡介 Introduction
We expect works from boundless and completely free heterogeneous fields, with cultural atmosphere of inclusiveness from a community, setting off brand new conversations of creativity, arts, and cultural exchanges and facilitating sparks from the impacts of innovation, vanguardism, and experimentation.
徵選對象 Requirements for Applicants
1. 歡迎表演藝術工作者提案嘗試, 不限年齡、不限國籍、不限類別。
2. 每位申請者限投一件作品,且需為作品主要創作者;每件作品限投一次,不得重複投件。申請者需以本身名義單獨申請,恕不接受共同名義申請。
3. 本計畫至多徵選四個藝術作品,獲選作品將於今年7/26-7/28參與《TJIMUR藝術生活節 - 移動劇場》演出活動。
1. We invite all performance artists to submit their proposal. There is no limitation on age, nationality, or type of work.
2. Each applicant can submit only one piece of work. And the applicant must be the main creator of that piece of work. Each piece of work can be submitted one time only and shall not be submitted repeatedly. Applicants must participate as individuals. We don’t accept any application with more than one applicant as co-creators.
3. This project will selected at most 4 pieces of artworks. The selected pieces will be presented in “TJIMUR Arts Festival: Action Theatre” during 7/26~28.
申請時間 Application Deadline
1. 報名日期:自公告收件日起至2019年7月15日(一)止。
2. 報名方式:採線上報名,經評選通過後參與《TJIMUR藝術生活節 - 移動劇場》演出活動。  
3. 獲選公佈:2019年7月16日(二)於蒂摩爾古薪舞集FB粉絲專頁公佈。
1. Registration period: From the date of announcement to 2019/7/15 (Monday).
2. Registration information: Please register online. Applicants can participate perform in “TJIMUR Arts Festival: Action Theatre” if selected after the appraisal.
3. Announcement: The list of selected applicants will be published on the TJIMUR Facebook page on 2019/7/16(Tuesday).
徵選作品 Submission Guidelines
1.  徵求表演藝術領域,可「呈現時間、空間、表演者的身體,以及表演者與觀眾之間的互動之創作,不限類型;以屏東三地村(地磨兒部落)特色街道為發表空間 。
2.  創作主題:不限,每人(組)限提出1件作品。申請者可為獨立創作或自組創作團隊,惟申請者須為創作者本人或擔任導演、表演者。
3. 創作類別:申請作品不限音樂、舞蹈、戲劇、行為藝術或其他新形式開發。
4. 作品長度:約10至15分鐘。報名時需提出5分鐘之創作概念影音。
5. 作品上傳:將影片上傳至YouTube(影片解析度需1280px*720px以上檔案),配合影片觀看習慣,請上傳橫式格式之影片,並請在影片資訊設定為非公開,且保留影片連結及原始檔案。
1. We solicit creative works from the field of performance arts which can present time, space, performers’ bodies, and interactions between performers and the audience. There is no limitation on the type of performance. The space for performance will on the feature streets in Sandimen Township (Timur), Pingtung County.
2. Theme: There is no limitation on the theme of work. Each person (group) can submit only one piece of work. Applicants can be individual artists or self-organizing creative teams. However, applicants must be the creator, director, or performer of the work submitted.
3. Type of work: Works submitted can be music pieces, dance pieces, plays, performance art pieces, or works in any other newly developed form.
4. Length of work: Each piece of work should be 10 to 15 minute long. A 5-minute video on the concept of the work shall be submitted with the application.
5. Work submission: Works to be submitted shall be uploaded to YouTube (resolution shall be 1280px*720px or above) and the privacy setting shall be set to “private”. The uploaded video shall be horizontal. Applicants shall keep the link of their own video and the original file.
排練及演出說明 Rehearsal and Performance Guidelines
1.  演出場地 : 屏東三地村(地磨兒部落)特色街道
2.  勘景/排練時間:2019/07/24(三)
3.  演出日期:2019/07/26(五) -2019/07/28(日)
4.  演出場次:11:30、15:30
5.  演出長度:10-15分鐘
6.  演出規劃:由主辦單位規劃演出時程,欲安排三組獲選作品分別於1天演2場。
7.  其他事項:演出製作期間,將提供免費場地與協助整體活動宣傳,個別演出宣傳、硬體設備(音響/燈光)則由入選者自行處理,主辦單位不另提供。
1. Venue: The feature streets in Sandimen Township (Timur), Pingtung County.
2. Date for venue scouting and rehearsal: 2019/07/24 (Wednesday)
3. Performance dates: 2019/07/26 (Friday) ~ 2019/07/28 (Sunday)
4. Sessions: 11:30 and 15:30
5. Length of performance: 10~15 minutes
6. Performance schedule: The organizer will schedule the performances of the 3 selected works, with 2 performances for each work each day.
7. Others: During the performance and production periods, free venue and assistance for general event marketing will be provided. Qualified applicants shall be responsible for the marketing of their own performance and hardware required (sound and lighting equipments), which the organizer will not provide.
獲選獎勵 Prizes
1. 獲選者可獲獎金新臺幣5仟元整。
2. 獲選作品將參與《TJIMUR藝術生活節 - 移動劇場》2場演出。
1. Applicants whose work is selected can receive a cash prize of NT$5000.
2. For each selected work, 2 performances in the “TJIMUR Arts Festival: Action Theatre” will be arranged.
展演作業 Curatorial Affairs
1. 主辦單位依作品資料安排展演空間及時間,並聯繫申請者進行場勘,確認演出空間及動線配置。
2. 申請者應依申請內容執行創作排演,演出如欲變更內容,須於演出前15天提出說明。
3. 如有特殊呈現需求,應於演出前提出,必要時配合出席技術協調會議。
1. 申請者須於指定時間內參與勘景與彩排,逾時未完成者視為棄權。
2. 申請者自備當日所用之音響設備、樂器、服裝、道具等演出必備用品。彩排及演出期間如有重要物品請自行保管,主辦單位不負保管之責。
3. 主辦單位提供簡易休息室,不提供其它製作費用或排練空間。
4. 主辦單位於演出期間針對申請者投保公共意外責任保險,相關出險責任依保單所載條款為準。

(I)Venue scouting and rehearsal
1. The organizer will arrange spaces and schedules for performances based on the information of the selected works and contact the corresponding applicants to scout the venue to check the performance space and
circulation plans.
2. Applicants shall execute their performance in accordance with the content included in their application, and must provide explanations at least 15 days before the performance date if the content needs to be modified.

3. If applicants have any request regarding special requirements for their performance, the request shall be made before the performance and the applicants must attend technical coordination meetings when necessary.

(II) Entrance and Exit
1. Applicants must scout the venue and rehearse within the designated time period. Those who have not done so after the deadline will be considered forfeiting their right to do so.
2. Applicants shall prepare their own sound equipments, music instruments, clothing, props, etc. for their performance. During rehearsal and performance, applicants are responsible for the safekeeping of their own valuables. The organizer is not responsible.
3. The organizer will provide a simple lounge, but not product fees or space for rehearsal.
4. The organizer will take out a public liability insurance policy for applicants for the period of their performance.
The liabilities in case of loss shall be according to the policy.
迴避原則 The Principle of Conflicts of Interest
Advisory committee members are not allowed to review applications with a direct relationship with them.
其他注意事項 Other Notes
1. 入選者應依提案之計畫內容執行,如欲變更計畫須於收到入選通知後 15個工作天內提出。主辦單位保有同意權以及撤銷入選資格之權利。
2. 如有使用非申請者本人創作之文本,經入選後,須於公開演出前與原創作者完成授權手續,如有侵害他人著作權之情事,由申請者自行負擔法律責任。
3. 基於宣傳推廣所需,主辦單位對演出作品有研究、攝影、報導、展出、印製及在相關文宣、雜誌及網路上刊登之權利。
4. 凡參加本次徵件之申請者,視為認同本簡章之各項規定。
1. An applicant whose work is selected shall execute their performance in accordance with the content included in their application, and must provide explanations at least 15 days before the performance date if the content needs to be modified. The organizer preserves the right to qualify and to disqualify the applicant.
2. If any of the text provided by a qualified applicant is not created by the applicant, the applicant must complete the authorization procedure with the creator of the text before the public performance. In case of copyright infringement, the applicant shall bear legal liabilities.
3. For marketing and promotional purposes, the organizer has the right to study, film, report, and exhibit the selected works, to print related materials, and to publish related materials in literature and magazines and on the internet.
4. Applicants of this event are considered to agree with all the regulations contained in the Guidelines.
5. Anything not covered in the Guidelines can be further discussed. And the organizer preserves the right to modify, remove, or change the details of the Guidelines.
申請者姓名(主要創作者) Name of applicant (main creator)
服務單位 Company/organization
性別 Gender
Clear selection
出生年月日 Birthday(yy/mm/dd)
身分證字號 ID number(Passport number)
聯絡電話  Telephone number
聯絡地址 Address
個人經歷 Experiences
最高學歷、參展經歷、獲獎紀錄等,字數限 500 字(含)以內                                                                                                            Highest degree obtained, participation experiences of events, awards, etc. (within 500 words)
個人簡介 Profile
字數限 50-100 字(含)以內 50~100 words
作品名稱 Work title
作品介紹 Work introduction
字數限 300 字(含)以內 Within 300 words
作品精簡介紹 Work brief introduction
字數限 50-100 字(含)以內 50~100 words
演出長度 Performance length
演出人數 Number of performers
作品影音連結(5分鐘之創作概念影念影像) Video link (5-minute video on the concept of the work)
將影片上傳至YouTube(影片解析度需1280px*720px以上檔案),配合影片觀看習慣,請上傳橫式格式之影片,並請在影片資訊設定為非公開,且保留影片連結及原始檔案。Your video shall be uploaded to YouTube (resolution shall be 1280px*720px or above) and the privacy setting shall be set to “private”. The uploaded video shall be horizontal. You shall keep the link of the video and the original file.
「個人資料保護法」聲明 “Computer-Processed Personal Data Protection Law” declaration
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