Apply for a D.C. chapter stipend to attend the AAJA23 convention

We’re pleased to announce we’ll be covering up to 10 convention registrations this year! 

  • (5) registrations will be set aside for students and funded by a generous donation from former national president Catalina Camia. “I first got involved with AAJA when I was in college so I know how life-changing and inspirational AAJA is for young people embarking on careers as journalists and storytellers,” she told us.

  • We’re matching Catalina’s generosity with an additional (5) convention registration stipends covered by AAJA-DC for either professionals or students.

Apply by May 27 by filling out this form and we’ll get back to you before the early bird deadline on May 31. (If you already paid for registration, we’ll refund you.) 

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Your full name *
Your email *
I am: *
Please tell us why you're applying for a stipend. *
How would attending the convention benefit you? *
Is your AAJA membership up to date? *
How else can AAJA or the D.C. chapter support you in your career development, whether it's financial needs or otherwise?
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