Arizona Colleen Questionnaire

All entrants must:

  1. Be 18 years of age by February 22, 2025 and will not have reached your 29th birthday on or prior to September 1, 2024.

  2. Be unmarried and never have been married. 

  3. Be born in Ireland, an Irish citizen, or of Irish origin by virtue of one ancestor having been born in Ireland. 

  4. Be living in Arizona for one year or more as of December 31, 2025.

  5. Submit all materials by midnight Sunday, February 16, 2024.  Failure to meet deadline will result in a point deduction.

  6. Create a raffle basket of at least $50 in value for the Colleen Selection (can be sponsored)

  7. Bring an item for the Miss Congeniality Basket valued $10.

  8. Volunteer for a minimum of 4 hours for the St. Patrick's Day Parade and Faire on March 14-16 (at your discretion)

  9. Ride in the St. Patrick's Day Parade with the Colleen contestants

  10. Winner must be available for events in the Irish community. International travel is provided as part of the prize package, but will be scheduled at a later date. 

  11. Winner must post WEEKLY (minimum) on social media and attend at least ONE event/outing per month.

Colleen Interviews: Feb 21 (time TBD)
Colleen Selection: Feb 22 (ALL DAY)
St. Patrick's Day Parade and Faire - March 16

Bonding weekend Feb 15-16 (info TBD)

MANDATORY WINNER EVENTS (info subject to change):
St. Patrick's Day Parade and Faire - March 15 (TV appearances required)
AZ Renaissance Festival - March 16
AZ Rattlers Game - March 30
ICC Tea - April 27
AZ Irish Night at the Diamondbacks - September TBD
ICC Gala - November 8
Chandler Sister City Tea - Nov 15
International trip to Ireland (2 weeks summer or fall 2025)
Little Miss Shamrock/Irish Lass Selection - January 2026
ICC Women's Conference - February 2026

Winner must be available throughout the year (and extremely available in March) to act as a representative of the Arizona Irish Community, living in the State during her reign.

Winning package includes:

- Tiara
- Sash
- $2000 scholarship
- International travel package
- Claddagh ring and jewelry
- Modeling and promotion opportunities

ENTRY DEADLINE IS February 16, 2025

Selection is February 22 at 5 PM at the Irish Cultural Center and McClelland Library (1106 N Central Ave, Phoenix). Tickets are $75 pre-sale only. Contestants are strongly encouraged to sell 7 tickets to fill a table of 8.

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