Cal Habitat Mailing List Sign-Up Form
Hi! We're so glad to have you :)

We are a volunteer-based club focused on the housing crisis through various means, such as builds, bread braiding, social events, fundraisers, nature clean-ups, and so much more! There is no application required!

Please fill out this form to get updates and sign-up links for all our volunteer events, meetings, and socials!

Be sure to join our Slack where we post important announcements and pictures for every event 😆
Berkeley email:
Other email sign-up: (Password: calhabitat4humanity)
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
First Name *
Last Name *
Email *
Year *
SID (if applicable) *
Why you want to join 👀
How did you hear about us?
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Who recommended you? (if applicable)
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