We'd love to hear your feedback on your experience at the Alliance Gathering! Please take a few minutes to complete the following form. You answers are not anonymous but will only be shared beyond Alliance leadership if you give permission at the bottom.
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How satisfied were you with The Gathering Equipping Conference? *
Very Dissatisfied
Very Satisfied
What was the most significant moment you experienced during the three days?
What workshop/s did you attend?
How satisfied were you with the workshop/s? *
Very Dissatisfied
Very Satisfied
What topics would you like to see covered in future workshops?
What are some ways and areas we could improve on when considering upcoming events/conferences?
How were your staff and volunteers interactions and were there any highlights from those interactions?
What parting words of encouragement/scripture is the Lord laying in your heart for you to share with the Alliance of Reformed Churches?
Is there any general feedback you would like to give that we did not ask about?
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