Expression of Interest for Program Committee Positions - ICAPS 2025
We invite members of the research community interested in AI planning to volunteer for the Program Committee of the 2025 edition of ICAPS. Three types of positions are available.

Topic Chairs

Topic chairs (roughly equivalent to Area Chairs in IJCAI and AAAI) main role is to support  the Program Chairs and engage with specialised sub-fields in AI planning and adjacent communities. 

Topic chairs are expected to be senior researchers with an established profile in the community.

Their role responsibilities are as follows:
  • Recommend outstanding researchers for Area Chair and Reviewer positions.
  • Disseminate the Call for Papers (CfP) to researchers in their social network highlighting the opportunity to report research on specific research topics.
  • Be available to assess submissions flagged for Desk Rejection.
  • Supervise Area Chairs to ensure that their meta-reviews and recommendation are consistent with the ICAPS 2025 conditions for acceptance  and uploaded on a timely fashion.
  • Assist the Program Chairs in selecting the top papers submitted under the relevant Topic, ensuring that the recommendations put forward by the Area Chairs are justified.
Area Chairs (Meta-reviewers)

Area Chairs (the meta-reviewer and SPC role in IJCAI and AAAI) role is that of act as editors of the proceedings of the conference. This means that they are the ultimate decision makers when it comes to recommend papers for acceptance. Therefore, their meta-reviews need to be carefully written, demonstrating engagement with the reviewers' feedback, the authors' response and the facts of the paper submitted. This link provides further details on this role

We look forward to expressions of interests by established researchers with at least 5+ years since their PhD completion for this role.

More specifically, we expect Area Chairs to:
  • Flag papers for Desk Rejection during the Bidding Phase.
  • Actively engage with the reviewers and the assigned papers during the Reviewing and Discussion Phases of the conference.
  • Write a meta-review that justifies the recommendations made on the assigned submissions. This meta-review needs to clearly acknowledge and engage with the reviewers' feedback for the authors, the authors' response, and the Area Chair own opinions and understanding of the merits of the submission. Precise guidelines for writing this meta-review are structured as a questionnaire based on the one used by Elsevier's AIJ.

The role of the reviewer is what it says on the tin. Specific guidelines can be found on the conference website. Reviewers must have submitted their PhD Thesis or be in the process of writing it.

We expect reviewers to do the following:
  • Flag papers for Desk Rejection during the Bidding Phase.
  • Carefully read the assigned submissions and write constructive, actionable feedback for the authors.
  • Participate in the Discussion Phase, responding to questions, enquiries and requests that the Area Chair may put forward. Any questions put forward by the Area Chair are relevant and pertinent as long as they refer to the submission or the content of the review submitted.
  • We provide specific guidelines for reviewers mainly aimed at early career researchers.

Email *
Please enter the URL for at least one of the following researcher profiles: ORCID, DBLP or Google Scholar * profile URL (you should have one already) *
How many hours you invest (on average) per year on peer review? *
Which position(s) are you interested in serving as a volunteer for ICAPS 2025? (You can put forward an EoI for more than one position) *
If you selected Topic Chair above, please indicate which topics would you be interested in organising and overseeing (see this link for details on the topics we have already selected)
If you want to suggest a topic for consideration, please describe it succinctly below
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