Evolutionary Antitrust Law and Policy in the Digital Economy
The Journal of Law and Technology at Texas (JOLTT) will host a presentation and discussion on "Evolutionary Antitrust Law and Policy in the Digital Economy" with Thibault Schrepel, Associate Professor of Law at VU Amsterdam University (Amsterdam Law & Technology Institute) and a Faculty Affiliate at Stanford University CodeX Center, and Nicolas Petit, Joint Chair in Competition Law at the Department of Law and at the Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies and invited Professor at the College of Europe in Bruges. The discussion will be moderated by Chinmayi Sharma, Scholar in Residence, Strauss Center, and Lecturer, UT Law. This event is co-sponsored by the Strauss Center and lunch will be provided. 

Assume a planet with an antitrust-like law whose goal is to promote business change, dynamism, and transformation. What would this antitrust system look like? This paper answers that question by tapping into evolutionary theories. It develops a model of antitrust law whose tenets are entirely different from the paradigm practiced on Earth. It provides the groundwork for developing a new method of analysis, normative foundation, and mode of antitrust intervention.

When: Mon, Feb 6, 12 - 1 pm
Where: TNH 2.124

For any questions, please contact development@jolttx.com.
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