Share Your Democracy Story
Everyone has a story about our experiences with our democracy. Sharing your story is a powerful form of activism that can help inspire people to action and change hearts and minds. DFAD has launched a storytelling initiative to help amplify activist stories, from the comfort of your own home!

Share your story with DFAD to help our movement to build a democracy that represents and serves all of us. We will utilize submitted stories for video content amplifying our movement, and there may be opportunities for storytellers to be trained to share your story with other activists, representatives, and the media!

Share your story using the Declaration for American Democracy’s story bank here!  If you don't want to submit an audio/video story, there's also an option for you to submit your story in writing at the bottom of this form. 
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Name: *
Email Address: *
Do you consent to have your story used in DFAD materials advocating for transformation, comprehensive democracy reform legislation?  *
Are you interested in receiving interview and press training with DFAD and ReThink?  *
If you wanted to submit a story in writing, you can do so here!
Your democracy story can be about your experiences registering to vote and voting, to politicians dividing your community into gerrymandered districts, or corporate funders blocking progress on issues in our legislatures. Some of us have positive stories about new laws that help us participate in our democracy, while many of us live in states that are making it harder. We want to hear from you about your experience with our democracy and why a healthy democracy is important to you.
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