Shines & Shout Outs: Sharing Staff Stories
The Staff Association aims to unlock the authentic narratives of our dynamic Staff. To that end, we invite YOU to SHINE or share a SHOUT OUT!  

Would you like to share about yourself and how you SHINE as a UC San Diego Staff member? Or, perhaps shine the light on a staff colleague or your team with a SHOUT OUT?  Give a shout out to a colleague, or your team about how you/they benefit from or contribute to the Staff experience at our university.  Share your unique and innovative experiences and we will spotlight your/their story in upcoming Staff Association newsletters, social media and other communications.  
Please note that filling out this form is not a guarantee that your submission will be included in future Staff Association communications but we will do our best to make it happen, in the order that we receive them!

Then get ready to start learning about each other!

Once we've collected some submissions, we will begin sharing. Till then, make sure to FOLLOW any or all Staff Association social media:
1) Instagram @ucsdstaff
2) hashtag #ucsdstaff
3) Website:

We are honored to have this opportunity to creatively represent our diverse, innovative, and rapidly growing staff community here at UC San Diego.

In support and solidarity,

-eeman agrama,  Sarah Andrade, Justin Glover and Csilla Csori
(Staff Association Marketing & Communications Committee)

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