G.W.U. Austin Membership Application
This is a membership application for the Austin chapter of Game Workers Unite. More information can be found about the international organization at https://gameworkersunite.org
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How are you interested in getting involved? *
How does your work relate to the game industry? *
(mark all that apply)
How would you classify yourself? *
What experience (if any) do you have with labor organizing?
Having no prior organizing experience is totally okay!
Why are you interested in joining G.W.U. Austin? *
This is so we can get a sense of why you are interested in labor organizing and why you think GWU can be useful.
Enter an email with which we can contact you with a link to our online community *
(make it anonymous if concerned about your safety)
By submitting this membership application you agree to conduct yourself by our community Code of Conduct *
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