NCHS - Request for IRON PRIDE Organization Funds

Policy: It is the policy of the Iron Pride Organization to grant funds for items and/or activities that benefit Normal Community High School. 

Procedure: To request funds, the REQUESTOR should do the following: 

1. Contact the NCHS principal with your funding request to determine whether some district funds are available to you. 

2. If there are no district funds available, or only part of your funding can be met by the school, then complete the attached form and return it to the President of the Iron Pride Organization, or one of the officers. 

3. The request will be discussed as soon as possible, usually the next scheduled meeting of the Iron Pride Organization. 

4. It may be necessary to have the REQUESTOR come to the Iron Pride Organization Meeting to present the REQUEST FOR FUNDS. 

5. Only completed applications will be reviewed. If the application is not complete, attempts will be made to contact that party to have them complete the form. 

6. After consideration of the request, the REQUESTOR will be notified of whether or not the request was accepted, rejected or needs further information. 

7.  If the request is funded, the REQUESTOR will provide any and all original receipts to the Iron Pride PTO for audit purposes.

Please complete the following form and return to Iron Pride Organization 10 days before the next scheduled meeting date. 

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Email *
Contact Person/Requestor *
Address *
Phone Number *
Email Address *
If Student, Indicate Grade - If Teacher, Indicate Department *
Date of Proposal *
Describe the Project/Acitivity/ or Item for which funding is being Requested *
Who benefits from this Project/Request? *
Cost of the Project/Item? (Include an itemized list of costs) *
If the Iron Pride Organization cannot grant all of the funding requested, is there a lesser amount you would accept? *
Where else have you tried to get funding? *
Do you anticipate that you will need more funding in the future?  If so, when? *
When do you need the funding?  What is your timeline? *
If you wish to purchase pirit Wear, please provide what you are looking for - i.e. - hoodie, crew, size, etc. or whatever we are able to donate. *
I understand that, if funded, I will need to provide the Iron Pride PTO any and all original receipts for audit purposes *
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