Kaltura MediaSpace upload error reporting form
This form was created on 9/24/20 to help UW-Madison users report Kaltura MediaSpace or Kaltura Canvas integration upload errors which became more common in late August. Kaltura indicated significant improvement in error reduction on 9/24/20. Information on the errors is available in https://kb.wisc.edu/luwmad/page.php?id=91451.
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Your name:
What error did you see? *
How large was the file you were uploading? (ex: 500 MB, 2 GB, etc.)
What is your upload speed? You can test your upload speed by going to https://speedtest.net/ and clicking "Go." (ex: 10.1 Mbps upload)
What day were you uploading the file when you experienced the error?
What time were you uploading the file when you experienced the error?
Is there anything else you'd like to add?
Capturing network log files
If you want to go a step beyond reporting the error, you can capture a network log file when you try your next upload in case you experience an upload error. If you do, you can share the network log with Dan LaValley (dan.lavalley@wisc.edu). This process is described at the bottom of this KB doc: https://kb.wisc.edu/luwmad/page.php?id=91451
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