NEST Corps Interest Form
Our community needs innovative-minded individuals like you (ages 14 - 24 years old) to help them during the COVID-19 crisis. All work will be done remotely. We will activate our minds to tackle problems that our community is struggling with

You can gain volunteer hours for your high school and gain workforce experience that will show the positive contribution you've made for the community during this pandemic. Below are the current projects:

• PVUSD Elementary School Projects: The NESTcorps Elementary School Project team is working to provide quality video content for students in the Pajaro Valley Unified School District. Our focus is to provide engaging videos for students in kindergarten to 2nd grade, with topics like storytime, arts and crafts, at-home science experiments, and more. If you are creative, interested in making videos, and passionate about helping young children, please join our team!

• Campesino Project: The Campesino Caravan of Appreciation is a caravan of advocacy and recognition of farmworkers as essential workers. Our goal is to help the Caravan by publicizing resources and methods to support our community's farm workers during COVID-19. Currently, we are working on creating social media content that promotes different nonprofits who support our local campesinos and will be posting it on the Caravan's Facebook and Instagram page!

• UndocuFund Project: UndocuFund MB is a collaborative effort to provide our undocumented neighbors and their families with a one-time emergency financial assistance as well as other resources. Our goal is to raise at least $20,000 through a social media campaign while also raising awareness about the systemic problems that have led to our neighbors being forgotten and dismissed by our government.
This week, the UndocuFund team started our social media campaign by creating a Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter page to spread the fundraiser. We encourage everyone to like and share any/all pages they can to drive the growth of this movement! , FacebookInstagram & Twitter: @undocufundmb

• NESThelpline Project: NESThelpline's project goal is to centralize Santa Cruz County's resources into one space. There are so many information and resources being passed around by our community. We want these information and resources to be easy to find and helpful to use for our community during these trying times. Resources include mental health tips, childcare, shelter assistance, educational assistance for students, and more.

• *NEW PROJECT* Supporting the Homeless Project: In collaboration with the Community Action Board's homeless initiatives, Supporting the Homeless' project goal is to manage CAB's Instagram account to increase traffic onto their initiatives and gain more interaction and engagement from the community. We want to create more engaging posts that highlight the date/times that hygiene bags are being given away, places where the homeless can wash their hands, and resources that the homeless can seek.


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Name *
Email *
Phone Number to Text/Call *
Do you have a laptop? *
Do you have WiFi access? *
Why are you interested in joining? *
What needs/gaps have you been seeing in the community? (optional)
What ideas do you have to fulfill those needs/gaps in your community? (optional)
We will be meeting Wednesday evening from 5PM - 6:30PM. Does this time work for you? *
Are you okay with joining the new project which is to support the homeless (look in the description above for more details)? *
If no, which project are you most interested in? How would you benefit the team and catch up with their existing work?
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