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State PCAP Links
Please add the most appropriate web page or pdf link, as applicable.
-We do recognize that same link may address multiple items.
-Leave the topic blank if there is no state process or PCAP related information.
-It is ok to add more than one link, but 3 or less is preferred.
PCAP= Personalized Career & Academic Plan/Planning
The Coalition for Career Development Center
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* Indicates required question
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State PCAP Contact Name
Your answer
State PCAP Contact Email
Your answer
State PCAP Webpage
Your answer
Statute or State PCAP Policy language
Your answer
State PCAP Guide
Your answer
PCAP reference used in ESSA state plan
Your answer
State K-12 Equity Plan
Your answer
Equity in State PCAP
Your answer
Types (Federal, Perkins, State, Local, Philanthropic, etc.) of funding used for implementing & supporting State PCAP
Your answer
State PCAP Professional Development & Training
Your answer
State PCAP Standards
Your answer
State PCAP Curriculum &/or Lessons
Your answer
State PCAP Technology Platform
Your answer
State Social & Emotional Learning (SEL) Webpage
Your answer
SEL in State PCAP
Your answer
State K-12 CTE Webpage
Your answer
State K-12 CTE/Career Pathways in PCAP
Your answer
State Dual Enrollment/College Credit Webpage
Your answer
State Industry-Recognized Credentials (IRCs) Webpage
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State Work-Based Learning (WBL) Webpage
Your answer
State WBL Guide
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Any additional comments
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