Registration for the Intellectual Discussion
Dear friends,
At the opening event of the Ukreate Hub, we announced the launch of a series of Intellectual Discussions with Ukrainian and Lithuanian philosophers, sociologists, and other intellectual experts.
Our goal is to create Ukrainian narratives, rethink the experience of war and its impact on the development of civil society in Ukraine.

We are pleased to invite you to the first discussion, which will take place on March 2 at the Open Society Foundation at 17.30-20.30.
The topic of the discussion: "Humanity and hospitality. Lessons from the war".
How has the war in Ukraine changed Europe? What lessons can each of us learn from perhaps the most difficult year in the history of Europe in the 21st century? Friendship, dignity, meeting of cultures - can the war in Ukraine actualize the fundamental principles of European civilization and bring us closer to them? How did the humanity and hospitality shown during the war affect our lives?
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Will you need a translation from Russian to English during this event? *
Чи бажаєте ви отримувати анонси та запрошення на майбутні дискусії "Інтелектуального клубу"? / Would you like to receive announcements and invitations to future discussions of the "Intellectual Club"? *
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