Vibrant Law Consultation Request Form
Please fill out this form and submit it to our office. Someone will reach out to you once it is received for the next steps.
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Email *
What is you full first and last name *
What is the full first and last name of the other party in your case? *
How were you referred to Vibrant Law LLC? *
Which attorney were you referred to? *
What is a good contact email for you? *
What is a good phone number for you? *
What is your full address?  *
What type of case do you need help with? *
Do you have a current case number? If so, enter it below. *
In what Oregon county do you reside and/or in what county is your current legal matter located? NOTE: Vibrant Law LLC only practices in the state of Oregon. *
Do you have a hearing or trial in the next 45 days? *
If you have a trial within 45 days, what date and time is is it set for? If there are multiple days, please list the first day. If there is no hearing within this time frame, put today's date. *
Do you have the ability to pay for your legal services? *
Are you interested in learning about flat rate, limited scope legal services? *
Is there anything you want us to know about before we contact you?
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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