7 sample Warm Up Quiz
Online Coaching
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1.  Why is it important to warm up before a game? *
10 puntos
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2. What are the benefits of warming up? *
10 puntos
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3. What is a dynamic warm up? *
10 puntos
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4. How long should a soccer warm up before training? *
10 puntos
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5. How long should a warm up take before match? *
10 puntos
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6. What is the reason for warming up? *
10 puntos
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7. What are 3 benefits for a good warm up? *
10 puntos
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8. How important is a cool down after exercise? *
10 puntos
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9. What is the best form of warm up for soccer? *
10 puntos
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10. What injuries can you get from not warming up? *
10 puntos
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