Training topics are nominated by the Galaxy Community. Please take a few minutes to consider which training topics you would like to see offered at GCC2017. Any topics of interest to the Galaxy Community can be nominated. If you are looking for ideas, see the topics nominated in 2016 (, 2015 (, 2014 (, and 2013(, and the Galaxy Events page (
The 2017 Galaxy Community Conference (GCC2017, will be held 26-30 June in Montpellier, France. It will feature two days of training: the first day will be single track focused on introducing Galaxy for bioinformatics analysis; the second day will feature multiple tracks spanning the breadth of Galaxy usage, admin, deployment, and tools.
Nominated topics will be published on the GCC2017 Training page as they come in ( Topic Nominations close 20 January. Topics will be compiled into a uniform list by GCC2017 organizers, and then voted on by the Galaxy Community starting one week later.