Contact us for Support
If you would like to start a conversation with us about getting help for any mental health issue, please fill in the form below and a member of our triage team will be in contact by the end of the next working day. If you require urgent support please use the helpline numbers provided above.

Sporting Chance acts in complete confidentiality. As a result, unless given your permission, no information provided on this form will be shared with anyone. However, in accordance with our safeguarding policy, if you disclose information that we consider to put you or another at risk of harm and/or neglect we will contact outside agencies in order to assist you.
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Name *
First and last name
Date of Birth *
Email *
Phone Number *
What is your sport? *
What time zone are you currently in?
Are you a current or former athlete? *
If you are neither please describe your involvement in sport
If you know which professional body you are a member of please state it here? (e.g. PFA, PJA, ATP, PCA, UK Sport etc.) *
How would you like us to help?
Please note we are only able to provide you with support relating to your mental health, if you need any other support please contact your stakeholder directly.
How would you prefer us to contact you? *
Do you agree for Sporting Chance to contact you using the details provided above to enable us to provide support for you *
*Your information will be stored in line with GDPR guidelines
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