Find a Grant - Beta service feedback
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Have you/your organisation used Find a Grant to search for a government grant?
How long did it take you/ your organisation to find the grant that you applied for on Find a Grant?
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Did you/your organisation find a grant suitable for your needs on Find a Grant?
Was your application successful?
It is easy to find clear and concise information about government grants relevant to my organisation on this service?
Strongly disagree
Strongly agree
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Can you tell us more?
Was this service easy to use?
Not at all
Very easy
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Can you tell us more?
If all government grants were on this service, it would be quicker to find relevant grants compared to other services?
Strongly disagree
Strongly agree
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If all government grants were on this service, would you search other websites for government grants?
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If 'yes', why?
How satisfied are you with the information and functionality of this service?
Not satisfied
Extremely satisfied
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Is there any other feedback you would like to give about this service?
What type of organisation do you represent?
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Please select all regions where you or your organisation operate
Become part of future testing for Find a grant
We test new ideas and functionality with users to improve the service. If you would like to join enter your email address below.
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Are you happy to be contacted about taking part in future research about this service?
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