Register as a Monkey Scout!
The Jane Goodall Institute (Singapore) Citizen Science Programme aims to empower people from all backgrounds and academic qualifications to contribute to scientific research.

As a Monkey Scout, you will be working with other passionate and like-minded volunteers to collect location-based data on human-macaque interactions at various survey sites in Singapore. Your contribution would help JGIS in research we are conducting as an integral part of our three-year No Feeding Campaign.

Fieldwork is advised for those above 18 years old. Those between 13 and 17 years old must be accompanied by a parent, guardian, or teacher for all sessions.

While there is no minimum commitment level to remain a volunteer, we do encourage our Monkey Scouts to participate in at least 1 survey every 2 months once they have joined.
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
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Year of Birth *
Contact number *
Please specify when you would be able to start.
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