Application Form to Become Friends of BATC
We welcome all groups, businesses, agencies and individuals who wish to become a Friend of BATC and endorse the BATC vision and mission. This is a non-voting role with a flexible level of engagement.
How you can engage with BATC:
• Required: Endorse BATC vision and mission (jurisdictions may adopt a resolution in support)
• Optional: Promote BATC through networking in your community, responding to action alerts, publicizing the BATC network and the need for trails through social media and other communications channels
Benefits to Becoming a Friend of BATC:
• Periodic updates on the progress of the developing trail network, as well as on events, news and job openings
• Invitation to attend our annual Friend of BATC special event
• Alerts about opportunities to speak up for and advance trails in your area
Benefits to BATC:
• Building a robust network of supporters will help us demonstrate the overwhelming demand for trails and the urgency of completing this transformative 2,500-mile network.
• We can advance the regional trail network by activating the Friends of BATC to write letters and use their critical voice to urge support for BATC at hearings and events

To register as a Friend of BATC, please complete the acknowledgement below and provide the requested contact details.  
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Endorse BATC Vision, Mission and Strategic Plan *
By checking this box, I agree to have my or my organization/agency’s name (depending on who I am applying on behalf of) listed on BATC’s official website and associated BATC marketing materials. *
If applying on behalf of myself, I agree to have my job title and organization listed next to my name (Name, Job Title, Organization)
Please list your preferred individual name and (if applicable) organization name and acronym *
Job Title: *
Email: *
Phone Number:
Please list your preferred individual name or organization name and acronym: *
Organization website: *
Organization address:
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