From the Courts to the Classrooms: A Rally to Fund our Schools

Thank you for sharing information with us about the press event you have planned both to celebrate the Commonwealth Court decision in Pennsylvania's school funding lawsuit and to call on state lawmakers to comply with this ruling so that children are no longer denied the education they deserve. We will post information about the date and time of your event on

Your event will help inform people in your community about the lawsuit and what it means for children in your region. It will also help ensure that your state lawmakers understand that their constituents are expecting them to comply with the court ruling and end the unconstitutional state funding system (we know lawmakers pay a lot of attention to what is in their local press!)

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First Name
Last Name
School District/County
Organization (if applicable)
Date of event
Location of event
Time of event
Do you need help with outreach to the press or anything else?
Links to a FB event page or any other online information you would like us to share on the Thorough and Efficient webstie.
Anything else you would like to tell us.
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