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request ficwip's discord invite
Before submitting this form, please
read our community rules
to make sure our discord would be a good fit!
They're quite long (you probably want to grab a beverage beforehand) but they keep the peace.
Here are a few things to be aware of:
We are strictly 18+
The server is run by a small team that interacts with the members daily.
We are a year-round creative community, not a temporary event server.
We have in excess of 800 members, though the majority are quiet outside of our retreat weekends. Conversation can get lively, but we are generally a calm space.
While we have a few inside jokes and a definite culture, the server is not cliquey, and new members have full access from day one. Just say "timezone" (it's our time-neutral greeting) and people will pop up to chat!
General self-promo (of your fanworks, merch, commissions, etc) is not allowed.
Joining and leaving right away will get you banned. We realize not everything can be for everyone, but it wastes our time to welcome people who turn around and leave. Thank you for understanding.
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* Indicates required question
Your email
What's your name?
Your answer
Please confirm your age
You must be at least 18 years old on the day you join the server. We are unable to accommodate minors on discord. If you are under 18, please look into our public events that take place on social media.
I am 18 years old or older
What is your discord username?
So we recognize you when you join!
Your answer
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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