2024 High Holy Day In House Attendance
This year we are opening our doors to all who wish to enter. For security reasons, we will mail you a pass.  Please complete and submit this form no later than September 23rd to ensure we have enough time to mail your pass. If you submit the form between September 24th and 30th, we will attempt to mail the passes but there is an increased chance that they will arrive late. Please remember to bring your pass with you to ensure ease of entry.

If you submit this form after September 23rd, we will add your name to our master list to allow entry, but you may not receive a pass. We cannot accept registration to attend after September 30th.

If you are not inspired to pursue membership at TBI at this time but are interested in joining us for High Holy Day services, please note that the suggested donation is $90 per person per holiday. For non-members who attend both Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur, the total would be $180 per person. 

Thank you!
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Have you sent in your membership form/contribution or High Holy Day attendance contribution? If No, please click here to fill out a membership form. You can also click here to make your contribution on our website or mail in a check.  *
I/we will attend services in person at TBI during the High Holy Days; please send us security passes. 
(If you will not attend in person, there is no need to complete this form.)
Number of people using your pass *
Names of all people needing passes. If coming separately, please list the names of all who will be attending at different times during the day. *
Postal mailing address where we should send your security pass(es). Please make sure to list addresses of those attending at different times. *
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