'Inclusion' BE-EDGE CONSULT-A-THON™ application for CASE consultants

So you are ready to start your new life in the US. You've come such a long way, and you've been through a lot.

Back home you are a successful professional, but here in America you are a newbie. You feel frustrated because you can’t move your experience and social capital here, and without it the employer won’t trust you.

We know how you feel - each of us on the team relocated to the US. Therefore, we created 'Inclusion' BE-EDGE CONSULT-A-THON™ to help you establish your professional presence and build your portfolio in the American market. 


During the event, potential employers - CASE CLIENTS - share a real business problem that the company is currently working on. They are looking for the unique expertise of global talents (like you!). Global talents - CASE CONSULTANTS - collaborate intensively on case clients' business challenges relevant to each own career aspirations. 

What are you going to achieve by participating in the 'Inclusion' BE-EDGE CONSULT-A-THON™ as a CASE CONSULTANT?

✔️ Gain first-hand experience in an American business.

✔️ Receive a ready-to-present portfolio piece based on a real business challenge.

✔️ Get professional connections and recommendations.

✔️ Meet global talents like yourself, mentors and representatives of American businesses.

✔️ Receive professional document templates, career coaching, psychological support, and legal immigration advice.

Event dates:

16-17-18 & 23-25 September, 2022

Ukrainian, Belarusian, and Russian victims of Putin's and Lukashenko’s regimes, willing to bring their unique expertise to the American companies, are welcome to apply

Registration deadline:

24 August, 2022

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Your name *
Your email *
Your phone number or secondary contact *
When did you come to the United States?
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Which country/countries do you associate yourself with?
Your highest level of education
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Areas of expertise you are interested in for your portfolio. Select all relevant options.
What skills can you offer as a Case Consultant? Describe your 3-5 most important competencies. *
TIP: This might include any combination of your Knowledge (including self-education), Skills (work or off-work competencies that will be valuable for the client), and/or Immersion (your experience of operating in a particular context).
Is it anything else you want to share with us? Tell us!! We are listening!!
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