Speaker Nomination Form
Use this form to give TEDxCalgary some preliminary information about the speaker you're nominating (including yourself, if self-nominating).

If you haven't already visited our main speaker information page, please do so here prior to sending your nomination:


Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Speaker name *
Speaker email
(If you know it)
Your name *
As nominator, we may need to contact for further information.
Your email *
Let us know how best to reach you.
Tell us briefly about the speaker *
What idea(s) do you think this speaker represents, and why you think these matter.
Is the speaker on the web? *
Let us know where we can find more information about them. If "No" or not sure, please indicate "unknown".
How does the idea apply here in Calgary? *
Let us know how you think the idea(s) this speaker represents applies to Calgary.
What happens next?
First, thank you for taking the time to nominate a speaker. As much as we do to scout out interesting ideas, we don't know everyone who has a valuable idea to share...

We get more nominations than we have spaces for speakers, so one of our tasks is to curate potential speakers to the events we're planning. If we think that your proposed talk fits with a current or future event theme, we will connect to start a deeper discussion with the speaker to see how we can work together!

Thank you!

-- The TEDxCalgary Curation Team

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