Other ongoing ways to connect:
Women's Circle meets the 2nd / 4th Thursday of the month at noon (no committment required).
Men's Breakfast held each Wednesday at 7 AM at Stables Restaurant in Hadley.
If you are interested in joining one of these more informal and conversational gatherings, please contact Pete or Sophie Rogers (
petesailing@gmail.com or
And, there we also have a listserv up and running for members and friends engaging with social justice efforts. To subscribe, email:
There will likely be other more 'informal' groups popping up - including a book group. Keep an eye on the Weekly Announcements! If you don't
currently get those, email Lea: office@uusocietyamherst.orgBelonging can also be found in service to the congregation; many committees/advisory panels are hoping for more hands to make lighter their work. If you are interested in learning about the smaller bodies that sustain the work of our mission, please contact
Rev Rachael or any
member of the Board.