Wholesale Application
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Email *
Business Name *
Contact Name First *
Contact Name Last *
Contact Person Title *
Contact Person Email *
Contact Person Phone *
Business Website *
Tell us about your business
Is your business located in the US? *
Do you sell any products on a 3rd party website? *
How do you plan to sell Primal Kitchen products? *
How many store locations do you have? *
Business License / Certificate #
How do you hear about us? *
Please provide the name of the referral source if there is any
Reseller will not promote, market, advertise, offer to sell or sell any Primal Kitchen products on or through any online marketplace or auction service such as: Ebay, Amazon Marketplace, or like websites, except as may be expressly consented to by Primal Kitchen in writing and in advance. It is understood that Primal Kitchen may withdraw its consent at any time.
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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