Yoga Teacher Training Scholarship
Are you interested in doing a yoga teacher training at Revolution Therapy and Yoga and would benefit by having the amount reduced? This scholarship program reduces the payment by 40% to make it more financially accessible. Please fill out this form if this scholarship would help you for any reason.
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Have you reviewed the dates of the training and understand that fulfilling these hours is a firm part of the training. Missing hours can cause you to not complete the training. By clicking yes, you are ready to commit to attending all required hours.
If you are approved for this scholarship, you are required to make a deposit of $504 to save your spot. This is a non-refundable deposit and will be considered a payment toward your balance. The instructor can not add people after the start of the training so this is a way to ensure that they are protected if a student needs to dropout after the start date. 
Please explain in 2 to 5 paragraphs stating why this scholarship would be important to you and how you would use this new skill after the training has ended.
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