**Join Us for an exciting 2 consecutive Saturday Online Seminar on Korean Language Education!**

We are thrilled to invite all Korean language educators to our upcoming seminar themed **"Korean Language Education for the Future: Culture, Technology, and Innovation."** This dynamic event will be held over two back-to-back Saturdays, offering a rich array of discussions and workshops led by experts in the field. 

Date: Dec. 7th & 14th  (2 Saturdays)
Time: 9:00 am - 4:00 pm (PST)
Registration due date: Dec 2nd, 2024 (Those who register after this date will still receive the Zoom link but will NOT receive the activity kit in the mail)
Zoom link will be emailed to registrants by Dec. 4th 

문화 통합, 기술 발전, 혁신적인 교수법으로 한국어 교육의 미래를 함께 열어가는 워크숍에 초대합니다. 동료 교육자들과의 소통을 통해 귀중한 통찰을 얻고, 교육 역량을 더욱 강화해 보세요! 

Explore how cultural integration, technological advancements, and innovative teaching methodologies are shaping the future of Korean language education. Connect with fellow educators, exchange ideas, and gain valuable insights to enhance your teaching practices!

**Register now and be part of the future of Korean language education!** 
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Email *
First Name  *
Last Name *
Korean Name (한글 성함) *
Phone number (123-456-7890) *
What state is your school in? (Two-Letter State Abbreviation; e.g: CA)
Your home address including zip code. (We will send an art hands-on materials to your home. If your address is not correct, the delivery will not made properly.) *
Name of the school you work at *
Name of your school district *
What grade do you teach? (Check all that apply) *
What Korean textbooks or online materials are you currently using?  (Check all that apply)
What applies to your professional status? *
Which of the following type of school(s) do you work for?
How many years of teaching experience do you have?
How did you hear about this IKEN Conference?
Have you attended previous IKEN Conferences?
What are some things you hope to gain from this conference? (What would make this conference worth your time?) 
Would you be willing to briefly share your best practices during the conference? Such as: classroom management strategies, differentiated instruction tips,  tried and true content-based instruction, assessment tools, project-based learning with student samples, etc. 
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Any comments / suggestions to the conference staff?
We will take group photos and record the conference sessions throughout the conference. Please consent to the photo / video release form below. 
I consent to the use of photographs and/or videotape taken during the course of the online training for publicity, promotional and/or educational purposes (including publications, presentation or broadcast via newspaper, internet or other media sources). I do this with full knowledge and consent and waive all claims for compensation for use, or for damages.
Thank you very much for your time! See you at the conference!
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