UCT African Studies Library Special Collections Recovery
In light of the fire at the University of Cape Town on April 18th, academics and other researchers around the world who have worked in these special collections and have taken photocopies or mobile phone images of documents may be able to contribute these to help recover some of the lost records. Please fill in the form one time for each document you have. The results will be collated by Dr Maha Rafi Atal, Copenhagen Business School, and passed to UCT.
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Name of Document *
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Record in UCT Catalogue, available here: http://www.specialcollections.uct.ac.za/ Searching for and providing the record info or link will help keep track of what items have been found and what is still missing.
Contact email: We will use this to reach out to you when we are ready to gather contributions. *
Contact phone (with country code): We will use this to reach out to you when we are ready to gather contributions.
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