RHS Report an Absence/Early Dismissal/Tardy 24-25

* This form is to be filled out by PARENTS OR LEGAL GUARDIANS ONLY*

Each time you fill out this form, it counts as one parent note. If you have a doctor's note, please send that in with your student when he/she returns to school. Students may have up to 8 parent notes each semester. After that, absences are considered unexcused without a doctor note and you will receive the unexcused absence automated call. Thank you!

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Email *
 -Early dismissals that do not have an excuse from a doctor/college/job shadow/etc. will be considered a partial parent note and will count toward your students alloted parent notes for the semester. Any absences (full or partial) that exceed the allowed parent notes will be deemed unexcused.

This form is to be filled out by PARENTS or LEGAL GUARDIANS only. Forms submitted from email addresses not listed on FinalForms will not be accepted. Students are NOT permitted to sign themselves out. *
Date of Absence *
STUDENT First name *
STUDENT Last Name *
Grade *
Reason For Absence *
Release Time (For early dismissals ONLY, list what time you would like your student called out from class)
Parent/Guardian Signature *
Per handbook policy, students may have 8 "parent notes" per semester. After 8 parent/guardian notes, written documentation from a treating physician, nurse practitioner, or physician assistant stating the day(s) absent and reason for such absences is required.  Please confirm that you understand this policy. Thank you! *
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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