2023 RESULTS Awards Nomination Form
RESULTS believes in celebrating excellence in grassroots advocacy. That includes recognizing outstanding volunteers and allies with the Bob Dickerson Leadership Award and Cameron Duncan Media Award. 

Bob Dickerson embodied inspiration and persistence when it came to ending poverty. He was a bold leader who inspired everyone around him, and made everyone feel welcome and supported  to do their best. The Bob Dickerson Leadership Award is awarded to a grassroots volunteer who shows extraordinary leadership and commitment to the mission of RESULTS.

Cameron Duncan, a former associate executive director of RESULTS, devoted his life to fighting poverty. The Cameron Duncan Media Award is given to a journalist, editor, or grassroots volunteer for outstanding work on issues related to poverty in the media. 

If you know a volunteer, journalist, or editor who demonstrated these qualities in 2023, please complete the form below. You may nominate as many people as you like. However, please make a separate submission for each person or award. Nominations are due no later than Monday, November 6. Nominees and winners will be announced in December. Contact Jos Linn (jlinn@results.org) if you have questions.
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Your name *
Your phone number *
Who is the person you would like to nominate? *
Which award are you nominating this person for?  *
If you want to nominate this person for both awards, please complete separate submissions for each.
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