REGISTRATION FORM: TERM 3 KCS After-School Activities Program 2022-23
Welcome! Thank you for your interest in the After-School Activities Program at Kids Club Saigon! 

All after-school activities take place at 12/6 P Street (My Tu 2), Phu My Hung, District 7. MAP:

All classes are held 3:45-4:45 PM (except Discovery Science 4:00-4:45 PM). 

Shuttle service is not available after 4:00pm so please arrange your own transportation to pick up your child at 4:45pm.

Please see below for program details and fees.

We will contact you to confirm the start date when the class reaches the minimum enrollment (usually 5-6 students). Thank you for your patience!

Please provide your email address below to receive confirmation, class details, and updates.

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Email *
Child's last name, first name *
Child's preferred name  (i.e. the name your child wants to be called at school)
Child's date of birth *
Child's current school *
Child's current age & grade level *
Child's primary language(s) *
Parent's name *
Parent's email address *
Parent's mobile number *
KCS After-School Activities Program - April - June 2023
FEE SCHEDULE: KCS After-School Activities Program 2022-2023 
[including Discovery Science, Snapology Junior Robotics, Storybook Cooks, Art, Junior Chess Club]

ANIMALS A-Z  (for ages 3-5) 

  • Schedule:  Monday & Wednesday @ 3:45pm - 4:45pm 

  • Start Date: April 3, 2023 

  • Term Dates:  April 3, 5, 10, 12, 17, 19, 24, 26, May 8, 10, 15, 17, 22, 24, 29, 31, June 5, 7 (18 sessions) 

  • Teacher: Ms. Faye Norton

  • Program: 

    • For children ages 3-5 who love animals (both native English-speakers and EAL learners)

    • Focus: English vocabulary, science, and geography through the topic of ANIMALS

    • Aims: To support young children's understanding of the alphabetic principle (letter sounds, phoneme isolation), oral language development (speaking, listening, vocabulary), and building background knowledge about the world (land/water, continents, animal needs, habitats)

    • This program supports the Sustainable Development Goals #14 (Life Below Water) and #15 (Life On Land), as the children will learn about a wide range of animals and their needs and natural habitats. Letter sound instruction is based on Zoo Phonics:

SNAPOLOGY ROBOPETS (for ages 4-6) 

  • Schedule:  Tuesday: 3:45-4:45 pm 

  • Start Date: April 4, 2023

  • Term Dates:  Apr 4, 11, 18, 25, May 9, 16, 23, 30, Jun 6 (9 sessions) 

  • Teacher: from Snapology

  • Program: Children will begin to explore the world of robotics as they build simple animal models that teach the fundamentals of robotic design. Whether learning about sensors while building a fish or alligator or discovering ways that gears and wheels and axles create movement while building robotic dogs or frog, your child is sure to have a great time!

What will they learn? - Axles, Wheels, Gears, and Motors: Children will learn about the importance of Axles, wheels, gears, and motor in mechanical movement. They will actively experiment with these components to create their robots, while facilitating a deeper understanding of mechanics.
- Axles, Wheels, Gears, and Motors: Children will learn about the importance of Axles, wheels, gears, and motor in mechanical movement. They will actively experiment with these components to create their robots, while facilitating a deeper understanding of mechanics.
- Programming skills: Each week, children will be given a simple program to operate their robotic build. Students are then encouraged to use critical thinking and programming skills to enhance their robot's program. Whether making their build respond to motion and tilt sensors, adding loops, or creating fun sounds, children will learn valuable programming skills in an easy to use, drag and drop programming format.
- Habitat and Basic Needs: Students will learn about habitats and examine the basic needs of different animals, including those that are robotic! They will build creatively to design a perfect home for their robotic pets!
- Teamwork/ Partner Skills: At Snapology, teamwork is essential for creating a fun and productive atmosphere while practicing social skills. Your child will work with a partner to create each robot and solve each challenge presented in class.

ART (for ages 4-7) 

  • Schedule: Tuesday/ Wednesday @ 3:45pm - 4:45pm

  • Start Date: April 4/5, 2023

  • Term Dates: Tuesday class: Apr 4, 11, 18, 25 (4 sessions); Wednesday class: Apr 5, 12, 19, 26 (4 sessions)

  • Teacher:  Ms. Charmaine LeRoux (KCS Teacher)

  • Program: Students will use different mediums such as acrylic paints, watercolors, and pens, to create unique artwork depicting landscapes, perspective, and animals.

DISCOVERY SCIENCE (for ages 4-6) 

  • Schedule: Wednesday/ Thursday @ 4:00-4:45 pm

  • Start Date: April 5/6, 2023 

  • Term DatesWednesday class: Apr 5, 12, 19, 26, May 10, 17, 24, 31, Jun 7 (9 sessions); Thursday Apr 6, 13, 20, 27, May 11, 18, 25, Jun 1, 8 (9 sessions)

  • Teacher: Ms. Tram Nguyen (KCS Teacher)

  • Program

    • Discovering scientific concepts through hands-on learning & fun experiments

    • Developing scientific inquiry and research skills

    • Curriculum topics include Physical Science (physics & chemistry), Life Science (zoology & botany), Earth Science (geology & astronomy) - Course content varies by term

JUNIOR CHESS CLUB (for ages 4-6): 

  • Schedule: Thursday @ 3:45-4:45 pm

  • Start Date: April 20, 2023 

  • Term DatesApr 20, 27, May 11, 18, 25, Jun 1, 8 (7 sessions)

  • Teacher: Mr. Valentin (from Genius Chess School PMH)

Program: Developing/improving logical thinking, concentration, decision-making, problem-solving and logical thinking through learning and playing chess. Through instructions, games, and practice, students will learn basic strategies so they can play chess with friends and have fun.

I would like to register my child in the following class(es): *
I would like to register & pay by term
I would like to register & pay by session. I understand that my child's registration will not be guaranteed for the days without payment
No, I would like to skip this class.
ANIMAL A-Z (Ages 3-6): Monday and Wednesday @ 3:45-4:45pm
SNAPOLOGY JUNIOR ROBOTICS (ages 4-6): Tuesday @ 3:45-4:45pm
ART (ages 4-7): APRIL ONLY Tuesday @ 3:45-4:45pm
ART (ages 4-7): APRIL ONLY Wednesday @ 3:45-4:45pm
DISCOVERY SCIENCE (ages 4-6): Wednesday @ 4:00-4:45pm
DISCOVERY SCIENCE (ages 4-6): Thursday @ 4:00-4:45pm
JUNIOR CHESS CLUB (ages 4-6): Thursday @ 3:45-4:45pm
Other activities I am interested in (though not yet available):
Thank you for your registration!
We will do our best to send you email confirmation as quickly as possible. If you do not receive confirmation within 3 working days, please follow up with a phone call to our office: (028) 5412-5232 and/or email

Once we receive the minimum enrollment for your selected activity, we will contact you to confirm the class start date.

We look forward to welcoming your child soon!
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