Passion in Paradise - Retreat Application
Fill out this application if you are interested in attending an upcoming creativity and/or connection retreat with us on Big Island. 
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Full name
Which of the retreat options are you interested in? 
If you're interested in dropping in for full days, please select which days you're interested in: 
If you're interested in dropping in for events only, please select which events you're interested in: 
What is your previous experience with the focus of the retreat? How new are you to this kind of experience? 
What are your goals for this program? 
Do you have any dietary preferences or other accommodations you need? 
Check all of the boxes below to let us know you understand the following: 
Which room option do you prefer? (select all that apply)
If you're interested in being part of the support team (helping with cooking, cleaning, errands, communications etc) please let us know how much you are able to pay. We will reach out with more details within a week of your application. 
How did you hear about this? Did anyone refer you? 
Are you interested in bringing a friend/partner to share a room with?
Any questions or comments for us? 
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