DYSBIOSIS: Creative Nature Workshops
Join Daedalus Theatre Company for some fun and relaxed workshops and contribute to a collaborative artwork that will be displayed at Rainham Royals and Queens Theatre Hornchurch.

If you need help completing this form or have any other questions please email Assistant Producer/Director Tasnim at tasnim@daedalustheatre.co.uk or call Tasnim on 07942 476053
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Name *
Which of the workshops are you planning to attend? You do not have to attend every session. *
Pronouns (e.g. he/him, she/her, they/them)
Email *
Contact number *
Are you a resident of Rainham and Wennington? If not, please specify and let us know if you have another connection to Rainham or Wennington? Priority will be given to Rainham and Wennington residents.  *

Are you planning to bring anyone under 18 along? If so, how old are they? Under 18's may attend with adult supervision.

How did you hear about Dysbiosis?

Why are you interested in attending these workshops?

Mode of travel (tick all that you have access to) *
Age *

How would you describe your ethnic origin?


Any access needs let us know and we will do our best to cater for you

(this could include disability, long term health conditions, mental health, observing prayer times, childcare)

Any dietary requirements or allergies?

Are you happy for us to share your data with partner and funder Havering Changing?

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Would you like to sign up for the Daedalus newsletter?

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Thank you for registering your interest! Keep an eye out for an email or phone call from us to let you know next steps.

Privacy notice: We are collecting your personal data so that we can communicate with you over the course of the programme, we will not use or share your data without your permission. Other data is being collected for evaluation purposes and will be anonymised to report back to our funders. Under the UK General Data Protection Regulation (UK GDPR), the lawful bases we rely on for processing this information are your consent. If you have any further questions or wish to withdraw your consent at any time get in touch with Paul at paul.burgess@daedalustheatre.co.uk
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