2024-2025 Religious Ed Registration
Times and class options for grade levels are below:

K-2:  Sunday morning 9:00-9:50am
3-5: (2 options) Sundays 9:00-9:50 and/or Wednesdays 4:30-5:30
6-9: (3 options for Confirmation Prep) Sundays 9:00-9:50am or 6:30-7:30pm, Wednesdays 4:30-5:30
10-12:  Sunday evenings from 6:30-7:30

Classes begin SEPT 15thRegistration closes September 4th.

Cost is $40 per child.  Sacrament fee (First Communion or Confirmation) is $50.  (All registration costs and fees are waived for main Catechists.)  Please pay for registration fees when registering your child.  You may use this link to pay online:  https://secure.myvanco.com/YJB6

No child will be turned away for inability to pay.  If financial assistance is needed, please contact the church office at 816-628-5030.

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Email *
Parent Last Name: *
Parent(s) First Name(s): *
Parent Contact Phone Number: *
Additional Parent Contact Phone Number:
Home Address: *
Emergency Contact Name (other than Parents): *
Emergency Contact Phone Number: *
Child #1 LAST Name: *
Child #1 FIRST Name: *
Grade, Fall of 2024 *
Child #2 LAST Name:
Child #2 FIRST Name:
Child #2 Grade, Fall of 2024:
Clear selection
Child #3 LAST Name:
Child #3 FIRST Name:
Child #3 Grade, Fall of 2024:
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Additional Children and Grade Levels:
Do any of your children have specific needs or allergies? *
Do any of your children need to be baptized? *
For 3rd Grade and up:  Does your child still need to receive their First Communion? *
Are you currently members of our parish (and have officially filled out registration paperwork)? *
For grades 3-5, you will have two class options:  Sunday morning at 9:00am or Wednesday at 4:30pm.  You are free to vary this week to week based on your family's schedule.  For space & catechist planning, what is your preferred time? *
For grades 6-9, you will have THREE class options:  Sunday morning at 9:00am, Sunday evening at 6:30pm or Wednesday 4:30pm.  You are free to free to vary this week to week based on your family's schedule.  For space & catechist planning, what is your preferred time? *
Every year our diocese uses a personal safety curriculum called Circle of Grace.  This program teaches skills to increase awareness and help keep them safe from dangerous or abusive situations.  Children also learn to ask for help when needed.  Do you give permission for your child(ren) to participate in Circle of Grace? *
Do you give permission for your child(ren) to be photographed for bulletin, Church of the Annunciation website and/or Church of the Annunciation Facebook page?  Names will not be tagged in photos. *
I give permission for my child(ren) to participate in Church of the Annunciation's Parish School of Religion/Youth Ministry program.  In giving my permission, I understand there is a risk of injury to my child.  Should my child sustain injury while participating in the Parish School of Religion and Youth Ministry program, I promise not to hold the supervisors of the activity or facility of the Church of the Annunciation liable. *
Fees to cover program expenses for the year are $40 per child.  Additionally, there is a Sacrament fee of $50 for First Communion as well as for Confirmation. How do you plan to pay for registration fees? *
Would you be willing to share your gifts with our Parish School of Religion/Youth Group program?
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