TAGNW Job Shadow Report
Please review the TAGNW Job Shadow program information at the program web page:

All information collected is confidential and used to confirm completion of the program and program improvement.

Please contact Michael Gan, TAGNW Executive Director, with any questions or comments at director@tagnw.org, 360-312-7105, or via the TAGNW Community Hub @Michael Gan.
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Contact Information
First Name *
Last Name *
Email Address
Phone Number
Discord ID
Please provide detailed answers to best provide program placement.
What was your role in the Job Shadow Program? *
What was the business name hosting the Job Shadow? *
What was the work focus of the Job Shadow? *
What was learned during the Job Shadow? *
Do you have any feedback for the business or Job Shadowee? *
How could the TAGNW Job Shadow program be improved? *
I confirm that I have read the TAGNW Job Shadow program information, and I approve TAGNW to use my  information for program purposes. *
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