DUUC Good Trouble Interest Form
Thank you for your interest in supporting DUUC's commitment to become a Good Trouble Congregation!

What does it mean to be a Good Trouble Congregation? 
Good Trouble Congregations are congregations that answer that call to organize their communities and engage in the multiple and necessary tactics that will help us win big for our communities. Learn more: https://uuthevote.org/goodtroublecongregation/

Please complete this form to let us know what you are currently doing or interested in supporting as we pursue this designation with UU the Vote.
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Email *
Your Name *
Do currently do any of the following activities? (Check all that apply.)
If you answered yes to any of the above, what organizations do you work with for your activities?
Are you interested in learning more or participating in any of the following activities? (Check all that apply.)
Would you be interested in attending political education events hosted by UU the Vote? (Virtual or with others at a watch party)
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Would you be interested in hosting an activity like a postcard / letter writing party or watch party?
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A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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