Donation Request Form for Coldwater Cafe and Bodega Market
Please answer the questions below and submit this form no later than two weeks prior to your event.  

Please note we receive a lot of requests and are simply unable to say 'yes' to all of them.  
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What organization is this request benefiting?  *
Is your organization a non-profit?  *
If your organization is a non-profit, please provide the Tax Exemption number. 
In what local community is your organization based?  *
If your organization is outside of Tipp City, please explain the connection to Tipp City. 
Which of our locations are you seeking a donation from?  *
What type of donation are you seeking?  *
If 'other' selected above, please explain what you would like. 
What will donated items be used for?  *
If your request is approved, by what date is it needed (please allow at least two weeks)?  *
Please provide NAME and EMAIL of person submitting this request. **Note we cannot respond to you without an email address.** *
Please share any additional details here. 
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