CBSC Game Reschedule
Reschedules :
Any game terminated after completion of the first half stands as a completed game and the score at that time is the final score.  

League Cancellations:
If your game is cancelled, rained out, or terminated prior to the end of the first half (for reasons other than misconduct), the game may be rescheduled.  It is the responsibility of the coaches to request the reschedule.

Emergency Cancellations:
If you need to cancel within 48 hours of game-time, do this:
1. Contact the coach of the other team  
2. Contact Referee Assignor (
3. Follow the Reschedule Process to reschedule the game.

Reschedule Process:
Schedule changes should be requested only as needed or in the case of a cancellation prior to the end of the first half (see above).  
1. Contact the coach of the other team
2. Get 2-3 possible dates from the other coach
3. Complete and submit the Reschedule Form

Some dates may be unavailable; the scheduler will inform you if there are conflicts.

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Email *
Coach's Name *
Coach's Email *
Reason for Reschedule *
Did you contact the coach of the opposing team? *
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