Please fill out form completely in order to be considered as official attending press for Baja Beach Fest 2024 on August 9th, 10th and 11th.

Filling out this form DOES NOT guarantee your application will be approved. Due to attendance guidelines, approvals for attending press will be extremely limited this year.

Attending media are evaluated on multiple factors including, but not limited to: scope of coverage proposed, site reach/circulation, past coverage of Baja Beach Fest, and many other details.

If you are a freelancer, you must be approved by an outlet to cover the festival on their behalf. Please provide the editor's information so that we can verify you are authorized to work on their behalf.

Outlets with multiple people attending should fill out a form for EACH person.

Please note that no outlet will be granted access backstage or back of house. A dedicated press area where artist interviews can be set up will be provided and/or Audible Treats staff will escort you to an approved interview area.

This form must be completed before July 5th, 2024.

You will receive a response indicating whether you are confirmed or not approximately four weeks before the festival. Please do not follow up with us before July 12th, 2024, as we will not have an answer for you.

The information collected here is only for internal use by Baja Beach Fest and Audible Treats and will not be shared with any outside parties.
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Email *
Outlet Name *
Outlet URL *
First Name *
Last Name *
Cell # *
Type of coverage *
(choose all that apply)
If you checked "Social" above, please submit the profile(s) you'd be posting to here:
Please submit in the following format: @audibletreats
Coverage Plans / Details *
Please outline the types of coverage you are planning on creating at Baja Beach Fest 2024. BBF is primarily looking for outlets that can provide pre-coverage, on-site coverage, and social support for the festival. This year, BBF is looking for content that goes beyond generic artist interviews- please be creative! Specifically, we are looking for ideas that speak to the festival as a whole, along with ideas that are based around Rosarito.
How many team members will attend? (Including yourself) *
Pre-festival Coverage Plans *
Please outline the types of coverage you are planning to post ahead of attending Baja Beach Fest 2024. Baja Beach Fest expects outlets to provide coverage ahead of attending the festival.
Request for Photo Pit Access
Selecting "Yes" does not guarantee photo pit access
Are you a freelancer working on behalf of the outlet you listed above? *
Editor's full name *
Both freelancers and outlet staff members must provide this information.
Editor's email *
No or other generic addresses accepted, must be a valid domain email that matches the outlet you're working on behalf of.
Editor's phone number *
Additional notes
Add anything else you'd like us to know here.
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